jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

Qué Se Podría Hacer Con 787 Billones De Dólares?

Mark J. Perry, profesor de economía y finanzas de la escuela de negocios en la Universidad de Michigan, publicó en su blog una "puesta en perspectiva" sobre la cantidad de dinero que se está manejando para salvar la economía Norteamericana, basándose en datos publicados por "The Gartman Letter".

Me pareció interesante citarlo:

$787 billion would buy 4.6 million homes here in the US at the most recent median price of $170,300 for January 2008.

$787 billion would send a check for $2,623 to every man, woman and child in the US.

$787 billion would fund 7.7 million four year scholarships to the average private university in the US at current tuition rates.

$787 billion would fund 30 million full four year scholarships to the nation’s public universities.

$787 billion would buy 27.7 million cars at the average price of an automobile sold last year in the US.

$787 billion would fund four full months of a tax holiday in the US.

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